
This curriculum is an adaptation to the Cheyenne language and culture of the Growing Participator Approach (GPA). For more information about the GPA:

Thomson, Greg and Angela Thomson. 2016. The first 100 hours: Special Play in the Here-and-Now Growing Participator Framework. [ last viewed: 3/10/2022 ]

Financial Supporters:

Montana Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs
Chief Dull Knife College
SIL International

Executive Producer:

Richard E. Littlebear, Ed.D., President, Chief Dull Knife College


Stephen M. Echerd, M.A., Language Revitalization Specialist, SIL Americas (North)
Mina Seminole, Chief Dull Knife College

Curriculum Development Committee:

Setovaatse Burt Medicine Bull, M.A. (2021-22)
Elizabeth Braided Hair (2021-22)
Rebecca Little Sun (2021-22)
Christine Medicine Bull (2021-22)
Seidel Standing Elk (2021)

Instructional Designers:

Stephen M. Echerd, M.A.
Joshua Manríquez, M.A.
Samuel Gutiérrez (2021)
Sandra Rojas (2021)

Language & Culture Learning Consultants:

Pamela S. Echerd, M.A., SIL International
Richard E. Littlebear, Ed.D., President, Chief Dull Knife College

Voice Actors:

Setovaatse Burt Medicine Bull, M.A.
Elizabeth Braided Hair

Artwork & Digital Media:

Stephen M. Echerd, M.A.

Website Developers and Managers:

Stephen M. Echerd, M.A.
Joshua Manríquez, M.A.
Wayne Leman

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